Welcome to Bargain Bill Auctions – Customer Returns & Liquidation Auctions

Unlock unparalleled savings and incredible deals at Bargain Bill Auctions, your go-to destination for top-tier liquidation pallets in the UK. We specialize in offering a diverse range of pallets, including customer returns, overstock items, and wholesale merchandise, all at unbeatable prices.

Breaking the Barriers

Whilst a few of our auctions could we palletized, we’ve come to realise that this is one of the biggest barriers to entry in this business. Bid on pallets without the pallets! All our auctions are sent via next day courier in however many boxes it needs, meaning you don’t need a forklift or a pump truck or a big space to store pallets. And it’s cheaper too! Alternatively, if you’d prefer a pallet you can organize collection and delivery from our warehouse. 

We want to break down the barriers and help folks kickstart their business journey, not only with acquiring stock but with making your name online! We hope to offer help and advice to those needing it and even offer our website, inventory and marketing services too.

Our Sister Stores

In 2021, we began selling our stock on eBay and quickly become popular on the site, creeping up on selling 10,000 items in the short period of 3 years. 

By 2022, we needed our own store to sell on. e-porium was first named Evans and Jones Online (the name of our parent company) and Evans and Jones Emporium before becoming e-porium, the online emporium.

In 2020, we kicked off our venture by snagging liquidation pallets from stores like JD Williams and Amazon. Starting small, we set up shelves in our two petrol stations in Carmarthen, Wales, putting the goods on display. As we dabbled in the retail game, we also dipped our toes into the vast sea of eBay in early 2021. Turns out, people loved what we had to offer, and the demand grew. Fast forward to 2022, and it was clear: time to carve our own space online. Our website, seamlessly linked with our eBay store, became the go-to spot for anyone looking for unique finds.

Come late 2023, we realized something big. Starting a business in the liquidation game isn’t as easy as it seems. So, we birthed Bargain Bill Auctions. Our aim? To make this side hustle or business dream accessible to everyone. The vast majority of UK pallet auction sites require you to be a registered business with credible business references; we don’t!

We want to break down the barriers and help folks kickstart their business journey, not only with acquiring stock but with making your name online! We hope to offer help and advice to those needing it and even offer our website, inventory and marketing services too.

Stick around for more updates as we share our experiences and lend a hand to those ready to dive into the world of pallet auctions.

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